The most common questions that Budtenders get asked

4 min readMay 7, 2022
marijuana grinder in hands

The 5 most common questions

Budtenders are often the first people medical marijuana patients talk to. Most of the customers are first-time patients, but they’re also first-time users of marijuana. As more states legalize recreational marijuana, these numbers are sure to rise. Because of this, it’s essential that budtenders are knowledgeable and effective communicators. ‘Green’ patients who aren’t familiar with medical marijuana will have a lot of questions when they enter a dispensary. You should be ready to answer the following questions:

1. How are THC and CBD different?

People ask this all the time. There are now lots of dispensaries that list the THC and CBD percentages for each strain. Some patients might be curious about THC vs CBD. Studtenders will need to be able to explain that THC is the cannabinoid in marijuana that gives you a high or simply put, it makes you high.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is not psychoactive and is mostly used for medicinal reasons. When someone comes in with pain, inflammation, anxiety, spasms, especially epilepsy, a budtender can recommend products with high CBD percentages. Educating patients about this fundamental difference can help them decide what they prefer and also help budtenders give them the best medication.

holding a cannabis joint

Related: THC vs CBD: What’s the difference?

2. What’s the difference between Indica and Sativa?

Newcomers to medical marijuana ask this question most often, so budtenders need to be able to explain it in layman’s terms. Budtenders need to focus on relaying the effects instead of the technical differences. Cannabis strains from the indica family tend to be more sedative, ideal for treating insomnia.

A sativa strain usually has an energizing effect that’s more cerebral and it’s best consumed in social settings or for physical activity. The budtender should also point out hybrids, which are a happy blend of indica and sativa. The product description on a good dispensary POS system can include info on effects, symptoms, taste, and smell.

3. How much edible should you take?

Different edibles have different potencies. It’s a good idea to be careful when eating edibles, according to budtenders. When it comes to predicting the right dosage for a patient, there are a lot of variables, but most budtenders recommend starting with 10mg. Remember to tell people to read the label and follow the instructions on how to consume.

Consuming edibles on an empty stomach could lead to patients upping their dosage out of pure hunger. Tolerance to THC varies from person to person, so those less experienced need to start with small doses. An informed budtender will also suggest waiting at least 45 minutes to an hour before deciding to increase the dose.

cbd gummies

Related: Marijuana: How Much Is Too Much?

4. Is vaping better than smoking?

The popularity of vaping has grown recently because it offers some benefits over smoking pot. One of the biggest advantages is that vaping reduces the number of harmful carcinogens and toxins ingested by patients. When you vape marijuana, it only gets hot, but when you smoke it gets combustable. If you have asthma, lung cancer, or COPD, an informed budtender will recommend vaping to you.

Additionally, it’s been said that vaping is more effective, since the same amount of marijuana produces a stronger effect. It also smells and tastes better and is extremely discreet, according to many users. Additionally, it’s easier to consume smaller amounts, so it’s also good for patients who might be new to medical marijuana.

There are some cons, though. You have to clean and charge vapes constantly to keep them working. If you’re just a casual user, it can be an expensive investment. The pros definitely outweigh the cons, despite a few cons.

smoking or vaping

5. Does medical marijuana have any legal limits?

Patients may have questions about legal limitations once they’ve bought their favorite cannabis product. In order to inform customers about where and when it’s safe to use, budtenders need to know their state’s medical marijuana laws. All states have laws regarding the use of cannabis while driving and patients need to know what they are.

It might also be a good idea to let first-time users know about legal possession amounts, as well as where they can take their medication. Make sure you have handy pamphlets or flyers you can hand out to customers with this type of info. High-tech dispensary POS systems can also warn budtenders about purchasing limits and compliance laws, so both customer and business stay within the law.




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